Posted inHealth plans, Patients

Washington, D.C., Spends More on Health Insurance than Any Other City, New Study Shows

Via A new study  by, a price quote site, says Washington, D.C. spends more on insurance than other cities. It also “shows that larger, more populated cities tend to have higher health care costs. The three largest metropolitan areas of the United States: New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, are all on the […]

Posted inCosts

Aetna: Watching an insurance giant transform itself

“Health insurance companies strayed from their roles as insurance companies and became prepaid healthcare service companies mucking around with the equivalent of car tune-ups, tire changes and the like. Imagine if we had co-pays, deductibles, Explanation of Benefits for tune-ups and tire changes. We would be paying a 40% insurance bureaucracy tax there as well. Health insurance […]

Posted inCosts, Health plans, Patients, Providers

Another transparency player: HealthGram, from N.C.

  A new (to us) transparency player: HealthGram, from North Carolina. They do benefits administration, price negotiation, prevention management–health care, dental care, FSA and HSA, compliance etc. They have this interesting fee schedule calculator, which they use to predict and negotiate fees, based on the Medicare schedule. They also help employers providers develop networks, manage […]
